What is a Brazilian wax? How long does a Brazilian wax take? Does a Brazilian Wax hurt? Is a Brazilian wax embarrassing? In our knowledge centre, we answer all your Brazilian waxing worries, and more besides! This blog is for any other questions you might have lingering about your Brazilian wax at nkd!
“Why is a Brazilian wax called a Brazilian wax?!
We’re guessing that anyone who needs to ask why a Brazilian wax is called a Brazilian wax has never visited the beautiful shores of Brazil and seen the size and type of bikini bottoms worn by women over there! As the vast majority of the Brazilian population live close to the coast, the Brazilian wax was invented by Brazilians for Brazilians so they can wear their beloved “dental floss” bikinis as they’re also called (!) without fear of showing any stray pubic hairs.
What type of wax do you use for a Brazilian wax
At nkd, we only ever use “hot wax” for a Brazilian wax (also called non-strip wax). The particular hot wax that we use (Perron Rigot Euroblonde) is perfect for sensitive areas – such as your bikini region and works particularly well on short, tough hairs. The reason it’s known as non-strip wax is because we do not remove it with a paper strip, like conventional wax. Instead we apply thin layers of the wax directly to the skin, allowing the wax to encapsulate the hair before the wax sets to a supple, malleable consistency. We then pull the wax strip off, as opposed to rubbing a paper strip over the wax and removing it that way.
At nkd, we would never recommend or advocate the use of conventional strip wax during a Brazilian wax (although unfortunately, far too many salons and beauty therapists in the UK do still use strip wax for Brazilian waxing). Strip wax is not suitable for the removal of pubic hair. Firstly, it’s generally not as gentle as hot wax so may cause irritation to the area. Secondly, because it’s not meant for use on short tough hair ( like pubic hair) the use of strip wax in this area will often cause your hair to snap off, as opposed to being pulled out from the root. When the wrong type of wax is used for a Brazilian wax and your hair snaps off, this will contribute to you getting unsightly and potentially-painful ingrown hairs. Thirdly, the use of strip wax for a Brazilian wax is far more painful than when hot wax is used.
Our clients often comment that they can’t imagine ever having a Brazilian wax again with strip wax and can’t believe how much better and less painful having a Brazilian wax with hot wax is, and how they never suffer from ingrown hairs like they used to.
If you want to know more about why regular waxing is so much better for you, read our blog here
How long will the results of my Brazilian wax last for?
Generally speaking, most women come and get waxed every 4 – 6 weeks. To be clear, you will not be completely hair-free for that length of time, but we obviously need your hair to have grown back a small amount to be able to wax it off again.
For your first few Brazilian waxes, we recommend that you return every 4-5 weeks. This will get all your hairs into the same growth cycle, so they are all breaking through the skin at the same time. If your hair is not in the same growth cycle, you could come for a wax and then experience regrowth soon after, which will be hair that was just lurking under your skin at the time of your treatment and we couldn’t possibly have reached.
After 3 months or so, once you have trained your hair into the same growth cycle, most people return every 5-6 weeks.
Once you are into that routine, you should find that your skin stays beautifully smooth and hair-free for much longer after each session.
At nkd, we give a 10% maintenance discount if you return to us within 6 weeks for the same kind of wax and with our loyalty scheme, once you’ve had ten treatments, your 11th will be on us.
We hope we have answered most of your questions about Brazilian waxing. For the answers to even more waxing FAQs, please visit the waxing FAQs section of this website: