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Knowledge Centre

Knowledge Centre

Waxing And Lash & Brow Knowledge Centre

Everything you ever wanted to know about nkd, waxing and lashes & brows – all in one place!
Click on the category below that interests you to read a wealth of FAQs, blog posts and articles, videos, before & after pictures and other nkd resources.

Female Brazilian Waxing

Female Brazilian Waxing

Female Waxing

Female Waxing

Hollywood Waxing

Hollywood Waxing

Lashes & Brows

Lashes & Brows

Male Intimate Waxing

Male Intimate Waxing

Male Waxing

Male Waxing

Other & General nkd


Rebecca's Blogs & Musings

Hair Removal Aftercare Products for All Over
Wherever you choose to remove your hair from, and however you choose to remove it, (nkd)’s range of luxurious aftercare products will leave you & your skin feeling amazing. All Over.
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Hair Removal Aftercare Products for Everyone
We don’t care who you are, how you identify, to what extent you remove your hair or how you choose to remove it. We just want to provide great products which help you feel better about yourself after all forms of hair removal.
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